About George Paul
George Paul is the author of Supernatural Rooster. To read more about George, click on "About George Paul" at the top of the menu.
Jan 13, 2019
This film shows the colorful reefs of Fiji. Here, the multitudinous fish can be seen in two colors. What they are, however, are the males and females of the same species, the Scalefin Anthias, Pseudanthias squamipinnis. The males are the purple fish and the females are orange. Although it may be hard to believe, the [...]
Jan 13, 2019
These four clips were made in the Grand Canyon with a hand-held point and shoot camera. What you are seeing is called "amplexus," which is the love embrace of certain toads and frogs. The two sexes join together during copulation, often for hours. Indeed, in this instance, I disturbed the amplexus of this couple, and [...]
Jan 13, 2019
Jan 13, 2019
Jan 7, 2019
This was the first time I had seen a cuttlefish. We were diving in Puerto Galera, in the Philippines -- about 3 hour drive, then a long boat ride, from Manila. This is what is called "muck diving." As opposed to colorful reefs, there are sandy or muddy bottoms where people attempt to see and [...]
Jan 7, 2019
Some readers may wonder why this website is named "Supernatural Rooster." It is an odd and perhaps even a presumptuous name. Supernatural? Rooster? That bears some explaining and there is a story behind it. After Bonnie and I got together I began to reflect ever more on my lifetime of experiences. I had explored cities [...]
Dec 24, 2018
Here, with a backdrop of colorful soft coral of Fiji, is the Reticulated Dascylus, one of my favorite organisms. A type of damselfish, this species hides in branching coral, like this species of the genus ancora, and then floats up and down to get plankton.
Dec 24, 2018
I was scuba diving off the island of Taveuni, in the Western Pacific island nation of Figi, on top of a coral pinnacle subject to considerable current. I observed a large area of bubble tip anemones, with resident Figi Anemonefish. These fish, Amphiprion barberi, were recently classified as a distinct species, through use of DNA [...]
Jul 25, 2018
My beloved deceased mother Mary-Lynn snapped this photo of me kneeling before the Golden Buddha in the temple of Wat Traimit, Bangkok, Thailand. I have long been a Buddhist, or at least one who wishes he practiced Buddhism more frequently. Indeed, I consider the Buddha, Sidharth Gautama, to have been one of history's most brilliant [...]
Jul 9, 2018
On July 4, 2018 Bonnie and I were staying at the Paul Family Condo in Coronado, California, right across the by from San Dieto. That night, we went out on a balcony. I exposed these photographs from 1 to 3 seconds.
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